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Market 市场

Demand 需求

Derived demand 派生需求

Inelastic demand 缺乏弹性

Needs 需要

Want 欲望

Marketing 市场营销

Marketer 营销人

Goods 商品

Service 服务

Marketing concept 市场营销观念

Enterprise strategy 企业战略

Mission statement 企业使命说明书

Marketing information 营销信息

Marketing research 市场调研

Descriptive research 描述性调研

Interpretive research 解释性调研

Market demand 市场需求

Quantitative forecasting 定量预测

Qualitative forecasting 定性预测

Marketing attractiveness 市场吸引力

Business attractiveness 业务实力

Market penetration 市场渗透

Market development 市场开发

Intensive growth strategy 密集型增长策略

Diversification growth strategy 多角化增长策略

Concentric diversification 同心多角化

Horizontal diversification 水平多角化

Conglomeration diversification 复合多角化

Integrative growth strategy 一体化增长策略

Forward integration 向前一体化

Backward integration 向后一体化

Horizontal integration 水平一体化

Capital gains 资本收益

Blanket purchase order 一揽子采购合同

Bottom line 底线/盈亏一线结算表

Marketing organization 市场营销型组织

Organization of corporation and business unit 公司和事业部型组织

Organization market 组织市场

Business market 企业市场

Non-profit organization market 非盈利组织

Business sector 商业部门

Marketing environment 市场营销环境

Micro environment 微观环境

Macro environment 宏观环境

Market opportunity 市场机会

Market competition 市场竞争

Perfect competition 完全竞争

Imperfect competition 非完全竞争

Monopolistic competition 垄断竞争

Market leader 市场领导者

Market challenger 市场挑战者

Market follower 市场追随者

Market niche 市场补缺者

Accessibility 可进入性

Marketing strategy 市场营销战略

Marketing management philosophy 市场营销观念

Undifferentiated marketing tactics 无差异市场战略

Differentiated marketing tactics 差异性市场战略

Concentrated marketing tactics 集中性市场策略

Marketing management 市场营销管理

Marketing mix 市场营销组合

Marketing planning 市场营销计划

Marketing program 市场营销方案

Marketing controlling 市场营销控制

Market segmentation 市场细分

Target market 目标市场

Marketing positioning 市场定位

Market targeting strategy 目标市场策略

Exchange and transaction 交换和交易

Boston matrix 波士顿矩阵

Blind-paired comparison testing 双盲比较测试

Break-even analysis 盈亏平衡分析

Break-even volume 盈亏平衡产量

Business strength rating 商业能力评分

1.1 Customer 顾客

Attitude of consumers 消费者态度

Attitude 态度

audience composition 受众构成

audience share 受众占有率

Baby boomer 婴儿潮一代人

Basic physical needs 基本生理需求

Behavioural analysis 行为分析

Benefit clusters 利益群体

BPI buying power index 购买力指数

Buyers 购买者

Buying behavior 购买行为

Buying inertia 购买惯性

Buying intention 购买意图

Chameleons/followers 变色龙/跟随者

Culture 文化

Customer behavior 消费者行为

Customer delivered value 顾客让渡价值

Customer satisfaction 顾客满意

Customer satisfaction 顾客满意度

Deciders 决定者

Demographics 人口统计因素

Gatekeeper 控制者

Influencers 影响者

Initiators 倡议者

Life style 生活方式

Moods 情绪

Motive 动机

Perception 知觉

Personality 个性

Public 公众

Reference group 参照群体

Reference group 相关群体

Role stereotype 角色模型

Self-concept 自我概念

Social class 社会阶层

Subculture 亚文化

Target market 目标市场

Total customer cost 顾客总成本

Total customer value 顾客总价值

Users 使用者

1.2 Product 产品

Actual product 形式产品

Augmented product 延伸产品

Bundle 捆绑

Categorization of perception 感知分类

Categorization 分门别类

Centralization 集中化

Commercialization 商业化

Core product 核心产品

Decline stage 衰退期

Development stage 开发期

Durable goods 耐用品

Expected product 期望产品

Growth stage 成长期

Introduction stage 引进期

Maturity stage 成熟期

Nondurable goods 非耐用品

Packaging strategy 包装策略

Potential product 潜在产品

Product concept 产品概念

Product item 产品项目

Product life cycle 产品生命周期

Product line 产品线

Product mix consistency 产品组合关联度

Product mix depth 产品组合深度

Product mix length 产品组合长度

Product mix 产品组合

Supplementary product 附加产品

1.3 Price 价格

Competition-driven pricing 竞争导向定价

Cost-driven pricing 成本导向定价

Demand- driven pricing 需求导向定价

Discrimination pricing 差别定价

Fetch-in pricing 招来定价

Going-rate pricing 通行价格定价法

Integer pricing 整数定价

Mantissa pricing 尾数定价

Neutral pricing 满意定价

Penetration pricing 渗透定价

Perceived-value pricing 认知价值定价

Prestige pricing 声望定价

Skim pricing 撇脂定价

Target-return pricing 目标收益定价

Value pricing 价值定价

1.4 Channel 渠道

Adopter process 采购过程

Allowance 折让

Alternation 退换

Availability 可获得性/供货能力

Barter 实物交易

Brokers 经纪人

Buyback allowance 回购折让

Buyback arrangements 产品返销

Buyers’bargaining power 买方的讨价还价能力

Buying task 采购任务

Channel alternatives 可选择的营销渠道

Channel conflict 渠道冲突

Channel conflicts 渠道冲突

Channel institutions 渠道组织结构

Closing a sale 结束销售

Coercive power 强制权

Collection 收款

Commitment 承诺

Distribution channel 分销渠道 (channel of distribution)

Exclusive distribution 独家分销

Intensive distribution 密集分销渠道

Intermediate 中间商

Physical distribution 实体分配

Sales channel 销售渠道

1.5 Promotion 促销

Advertising effect 广告效果

Advertising feedback 广告反馈

Advertising frequency 广告频率

Advertising message 广告信息

Advertising objective 广告目标

Advertising resource 广告信息来源

Advertising 广告

Affordable method 量力支出法

Atmosphere 气氛

Budget 预算

Communication channel 传播渠道

Communication process 传播过程

Competitive-parity method 竞争对手对等法

Emotional appeals 情感诉求

Event 时间

Information advertising 告知广告

Mass media 大众媒体

Moral appeals 道德诉求

Objective-task method 目标任务法

Percentage-of-sales method 销售额百分比法

Personal selling 人员推销

Persuasive advertising 劝说广告

Promotion policies 促销策略

Public relations 公关

Rational appeals 理性诉求

Reminder advertising 提示广告

Sales promotion 营业推广


Action plan 执行方案

Add value 附加价值

Analysis Tools 分析工具

Announcement 公告

Annual Report 年报

Appeals诉求; Emotional Appeals 感性诉求, Rational Appeals 理性诉求

AS Account Service 客户服务

Background 背景

Bidding 竞标

Big idea 大创意


Brainstorming 头脑风暴

Brief 工作简报


Buzz Marketing 蜂鸣营销/WOM/口碑营销

Category 类别

Chart 幻灯片中的页面

Client 客户

COB Close of Business 工作日结束时

Code of Conduct行为准则

Code of Ethics 职业道德

Competition 竞争力


Confidential 保密的、机密的

Confidential Items保密条款


Consumer Insights 消费者洞察

Coordination Communicating协调沟通

Core Competitiveness核心竞争力

Cost Control成本控制

Cost Management成本管理

Coupon 优惠券

Deadline 结点

DEMO demonstration 演示


Effective Communications有效传播

Employee Compensation员工薪酬

Employee Relations员工关系

Ethics of the Profession 职业道德

Execution 执行

FAQ frequently asked questions 常见问题回答

FYI/FYR For Your Information / For Your Reference 供参考

IA Information Architecture 信息架构

IM Instant Messenger 即时通讯

IM Integrated Marketing 整合行销/整合营销

IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications)整合营传播


Insight 洞察

Interactive Marketing/Advertising 互动营销/广告

Internal Communications System内部传播系统

Job Evaluation绩效考核

KPI Key Performance Indicator/Key Performance Index 关键绩效指标

LA( Large Account) 大客户

LE (Large Enterprise)大客户

Local Agency/Advertising 本土代理商/本土广告公司/地方广告公司

MB(Medium business) 中客

Meeting Agenda会议议程

Meeting Minutes 会议记录


Objective 目标

Pre-evaluation 预评估



Quotation 报价/引用

Recommendatory 推荐信



Schedule 工作进度计划表, 日程安排

Slide 幻灯片

Summary 简介、概述


Target audience 目标受众

Task Marketing任务营销

TBD (To be Detail)需更详细信息

Planning Phase 策划阶段

Initiating Phase 初始阶段

Executing Phase 执行阶段

controlling Phase 控制阶段

Closing Phase结束阶段

Client Relations客户关系

Client Database Management客户数据管理

Client Oriented Strategy客户导向战略

Client Relations Management客户管理管理

Client Relations Development System客户关系开发系统

Client Relations Evaluation System客户管理评价系统

Client Relations Maintenance System客户关系维护系统

Client Relations Management System客户关系管理系统

Client Relations Precaution System客户管理预警系统

Client Relations Supporting System客户管理支持系统

Client Satisfaction Management客户满意度管理

Client Satisfaction Management客户满意度管理

Consumer Buying Process 顾客购买过程

Consumer Database顾客数据

Consumer Orientation消费者导向

Consumers/Dealers Assembly用户/经销商大会



Audience Awareness 公众认知度

Background Analysis 背景分析

Background material 背景材料

Bar code 条形码

Before test 事前测试

Benchmarking 基准

Blanket family brand 统一品牌

Brand awareness 品牌知名度

Brand Communications Strategy品牌传播战略

Brand designing 品牌设计

Brand equity 品牌资产

Brand extension 品牌延伸

Brand Loyalty 品牌忠诚度

Brand management 品牌管理

Brand mark 品牌标志

Brand name 品牌名称

Brand naming 品牌命名

Brand Planning/Designing品牌策划/设计

Brand Positioning Survey品牌定位调查

Brand positioning 品牌定位

Brand Promotion 品牌推广

Brand recognition 品牌识别

Branding decision 品牌决策

Branding strategy 品牌化战略

Branding 品牌化

Brand-sponsor decision 品牌使用者决策

Buzz Marketing 蜂鸣营销/口头宣传营销/和WOM类似

Culture/ tension point 品牌点

Carnival 嘉年华

Co-branding 合作品牌

Contact management 接触管理

Cultural marketing 文化营销

Exhibition marketing 会展营销

Individual brand 个别品牌

Integrated marketing communication 整合营销传播

Internet Communications网络传播

Internet Media Communications 网媒传播

Interpersonal Communications人际传播

Mindshare 品牌影响力份额

Multi-brands 多品牌

Relationship marketing 关系营销

Slogan 口号/标语/广告语

Strategy 战略/策略

TA Target Audience 目标受众

Viral Marketing 病毒式营销/病毒性营销


Word-of-mouth Communication WOM/口碑传播


AD Exchange 广告交易平台

advertising impression 广告印象

advertising response curve 广告反应曲线

AdWords Google 的关键词竞价广告

animatic 样片

API Application Programming Interface 应用程序编程接口/应用程序界面

Appeal Point 诉求点

attention value 注意度

audience 受众

Banner Ad 横幅广告

body copy 正文

bold face 粗体

brand development index 品牌开发指数

bursting 集中式

Button Ad图标广告

Campaign 广告活动

casting brief 表演纲要

CF Commercial Film 广告影片

CF Commercial Film 影视广告

Click Rate 点击率

cognition 认知

Communication Model 传播模式

Communications Management 传播管理

Communications Regions传播地域

Communications Strategy传播战略

Competitive Presentation 比稿

Core message 核心信息

corporate identity advertising 企业识别广告

cost efficiency 成本效益

CPA Cost Per Action 每次动作成本

CPC Cost Per Click 点击成本

CPM Cost Per Thousand Impression 千人成本

CPP Cost Per Purchase 每购买成本

CPR Cost Per Response 每回应成本

CPS Cost Per Sales 每销售成本

CPT Cost Per Time 按时间成本

CR Conversion Rate 转化

CTR Click-Through-Rate 点击通过率

demonstration 掩饰

Digital Marketing 数字营销

distribution objectives 分布目标

DMP Data-Management Platform 数据管理平台

DSP Demand-Side Platform 需求方平台广告:需求方(DSP)提出广告需求,由交易平台(Ad Exchange)连接供应平台(SSP),通过数据管理平台(DMP)找到精准用户,实时竞价(RTB)计算出该次广告展示需求方需要出的价格。

E-Commerce 电子商务

EDM Electronic Direct Marketing 电子邮件营销

fact-based thinking 事实性思维

Feeds 信息流广告

hook 吸引技巧

Interactive Design/Interaction DesigInteractive Marketing/Advertising 互动营销/广告

IP Internet Protocol 独立IP数

Layout 构图

media planning 媒介策划

media vehicles 媒介载体

Online Advertisement 线上广告

Online Communications线上传播

Online Marketing Communications 线上营销传播

Online media网络媒体

Online Roadshow 网上路演

Online Survey网上调查

Presentation 提案

PR值 Page rank 网页级别

Public Service Advertising 公益广告

PV Page View 浏览量/访问量

ROI Return On Investment 投资回报率

RTB Real Time Bidding 实时竞价

SEM Search Engine Marketing 搜索引擎营销

SEO Search Engine Optimization 搜索引擎优化

subhead 副标题

tagline 标题句

testimonial 正言

text 正文

theme line 主题句

Tone & manner 风格和基调

Traffic 流程

TVC TV Commercial 电视广告

UCD User Centered Design 以用户为中心的设计

UE/UX User Experience 用户体验

UED User Experience Design 用户体验设计

URL Uniform Resource Locator 统一资源定位、网址

UV Unique Visitor/User 独立访客

verbal 文字的


Advertorial 软文

Budget 预算

Campaign 公关或营销活动

Case study案例研究

CEO Reputation Management CEO声誉管理

CEO's Arrangement CEO接待

circulation 发行量

Clipping Report剪报报告

CMS Content Management System 内容管理系统

Communications Kit新闻夹

Community Relations社区关系

Copywriter 文案


Core Media核心媒体

Corpor Corporation Image 企业形象片

Corporate Affairs企业事务

Corporate Image企业形象

Corporate Profile公司简介

Corporate Reputation企业声誉

Corporate Video 宣传片

Creative Pyramid 创意金字塔


Crisis Control 危机控制

Crisis Management危机管理

Crisis Research危机研究

Crisis Statement危机声明

Customer testimonial客户证言

Domain Name Registration 域名注册

Editorial Calendar媒体刊登计划

Feature article 深度文章

feature articles 特写



Government Affairs政府事务

Government PR 政府公关

Government Relations政府关系

Govt (Government) 政府

House Ads 自我形象广告/自家广告

Interview 专访或面试

Introduction Lantern宣传幻灯

Investor Relations投资者关系

Invitation Letter 邀请


Key Media关键媒体

Key Messages 关键信息

KV Key Visual 主视觉, 主画面



Long Term Program长期项目

Media Analysis媒体分析

Media Communications Strategy媒体传播战略

Media Communications媒体传播

Media Coverage 媒体覆盖率

Media Inquiry媒体垂询

Media Kit媒体资料包

Media List媒体名单

Media Monitor媒体监测

Media Relations媒介关系

Media Research媒体研究

Media Tour媒体拜访或媒体外出巡游


MI(Media Index)企业媒体声望指数

Negative Report负面报道

New Product Launch新产品发布

News Clipping新闻剪报

News Release新闻发布

news/press release 新闻简报


No-profit PR 非营利机构公关

Offering 服务内容

Opinion Leader舆论领袖

OV(One Voice)一个声音


POP Point Of Purchase 卖点广告

PPM Pre-Production Meeting 拍摄/制作前会议

PR Agency公关公司

PR Consulting Market公关顾问服务市场

PR Evaluation公关评估

PR Guideline公关方针

PR Management Working Code公关管理工作准则

PR Procedure公关流程

PR Proposal公关建议书

Press Conference新闻发布会

Press Kit媒体新闻夹

Press Release新闻稿

press/media kit 传媒工具

Procurement Management预警管理

Script 故事脚本

Showreel 作品集视频

Social Activities社会活动

Social Responsibility社会责任

SOV (Share of Voice)

Spam 垃圾信息

Speaking with One Voice 用一个声音说话

Stickiness 粘性

Story Board 故事版

Story Line 故事大纲

Streaming 流媒体

Voice share 曝光信息份额

WBS Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构

Website Construction网站建设


Fact Sheet资料

advertising specialty 广告礼品

booth 展台

Briefing Kit资料包


Bundle 附赠品

Celebration 庆典活动


Decoration 现场布置(装饰)

Demo Booth 产品演示台

Event Management事件管理

Event Planning 事件策划


Flyer 宣传单页


Forum 论坛


Incentive Plan激励计划

Keynote Speaker主题演讲人

Keynote Speech主题演讲

Lucky Draw 抽奖

MC(Master of Ceremonies)主持人


Miscellaneous 杂费

Multifunctional Task Force多职能任务小组

On Site现场


Open-day Visits开放日参观

Outsourcing 外包

Post Event 善后工作

Poster 海报

Postmortem 会后书面的简短总结报告


Pre Event前期工作

premiums 奖品

Presentation 演示、陈述

Project Life Cycle项目生命周期

Project Management项目管理

Project Owner项目委托人

Project Title项目标题






Scope Management范畴管理



Simultaneous interpretation同声传译

Source Materials客户提供的辅助资料

Souvenirs & Gifts 纪念品和礼品

Spokes Person Tips发言人技巧


Sponsorship Planning赞助策划

Sponsorship 赞助

take-ones 优惠增券

Theme 主题

thumbnail 小样

Time Management管理

Time Sheet时间管理表

trade shows 商业展示会

Vendor 供应商

venue marketing 赛场营销

Venue 会议地点



六、inbound marketing

Closed Loop Reporting – A way to measure the impact of marketing activities on revenues.

Content Marketing – The creation and sharing of content for the purpose of promoting a product or service

Conversion – A specific event that represents the goal of a landing page

Conversion Path – A specific online path offered to web visitors after clicking on a landing page

Conversion Rate – The primary success metric for landing pages Demand Generation – The function of a B2B marketing

department that creates demand for your product or service

Landing Page – A web page that a user encounters after clicking on a link from a search engine, advertisement, email or other marketing vehicle

Lead Nurturing – The process of building relationships with qualified prospects regardless of their timing to buy, with the goal of earning their business when they are ready

Marketing Asset – A piece of marketing content (e.g. whitepapers, videos, newsletters, webinars, etc.) used to educate and generate interest for a company’s products or services

Marketing Automation – The use of technology to manage and automate the process of converting prospective customers into actual buyers

Marketing Lead – A lead generated by marketing which has not yet been qualified as a sales prospect

Persona – A fictional person used to represent a specific target segment for a company; personas aid in marketing, product development, usability and other areas

Revenue Performance Management: Optimizing interactions with buyers across the revenue cycle to accelerate predictable revenue growth.

Sales Ready Lead – A lead that has been qualified by marketing based upon criteria agreed upon by both sales and marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – Also known as Pay-Per- Click (PPC) advertising; the process of paying a search engine to advertise a product or service

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – The process of employing different tactics to improve a business’ ranking in organic or unpaid search results to ultimately increase conversions

Social Media – Any strategy, software system or media outlet that relies on social interaction and the participation of individuals or communities to create and publish content

Social Selling – Also referred to as Sales 2.0, the merging of Web 2.0 technologies with traditional sales strategies, enabling salespeople to better prioritize their time and serve as experts, not just negotiators—in the product selection process
