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人民币汇率变动对外商直接投资影响的研究Research 人民币汇率变动对外商直接投资影响的研究 Research on the Impact of the RMB Exchange Rate Movement to Foreign Direct Investment Ab stract With the coming of the era of intelligence,economic relationship are much closer between countries,strengthen of fund mobile in the world,the intemational capital can not be ignored in a nation’S economic growth.Since China reform and opening up,as the biggest developing country in the world,speed and scale of development are high-profile, international capital has played a great role in promoting,Chinese FDI is superpower,the FDI inflows after the United States in the world in 20 1 3.In international finance,the impact of exchange rate on FDI is a classical problem,more and more scholars study the influence of the IMB exchange rate on FDI based on overall or country FDI.drawn the different conclusions.Under the background and basis,this paper mainly divides into five chapters, the paper from theory and current situation with theoretical and empirical methods study the effect of exchange rate on the total amount and sectors of industry of FDI. nle first chapter and second chapter of the paper introduce the present situation analysis and the theory background,introduced the status quo and theory development of this research; Chapter three on the basis of the international direct investment theory and predecessors’ research under the condition of D-S monopolistic competition assume from the consumer utility function derivation the expansion of the basic gravity model.And use the laSSO method to eliminate collinearity variables,the selected variables are explained variable to explain FDI.ne chapter four from the total amount and divisions research the impact of exchange rate on FDl with the empirical methods:the total research study the impact IUⅥB exchange rate on FDI from the exchange rate change,expectation and fluctuations with the 1 5 years data from 200 1 to 20 1 5 to the empirical research;divisions research select
